Saturday, March 14, 2015

Corazon of the Outer Banks ~ Corazon De los Outer Banks -by : Sandra Harvey

While the other horses run wild and free on the Coast of North Carolina, Corazon prefers to sit day after day staring out to the sea. Until one day a little boy named Jose arrives. Over the summer Corazon and Jose become best friends. As the summer comes to an end a terrible storm approaches, the storm will test the courage and friendship of both Corazon and Jose and change Corazon forever. A timeless and heartwarming story about the power of friendship, courage, and dreams. 

Again Sandra Harvey breaks convention in Corazon of the Outer Banks.   The first thing you will notice about the books is it has both English and Spanish on all the pages.  This was very cool to me as I was actually able to learn some Spanish from reading it just once, by my 3rd time through I was already starting to be able to understand the Spanish text without looking at the English.  I can see this being an incredible teaching tool for anyone wanting to learn English or Spanish.  But it is far more than a teaching tool, it is really heart warming story about courage and friendship, not always fitting in but being able to accept that and find your place anyway.

The main characters in this book are an Hispanic boy name Jose, and a wild horse named Corazon (Spanish for Heart). I truly appreciate how in every book Sandra makes a real effort to unite people together, and to teach people that we are all the same, no matter where we come from.  For years and years and even just this morning I keep hearing about how we need Diversity in books, but other than a few stories with a African American main character, I am simply not seeing diverse characters being written in children's books.  Unlike some of  the African American children's books that put focus on the tragic history of their race. I can say that I greatly appreciate that Sandra Clearly understands that children are children no matter what country they are from, not matter what color their skin.  There are simply no stereotypical references to Hispanic culture in this book.  Children of non-Caucasian race want to see themselves as Wizards and Heroes just like white children do, because children are the same no matter where you go.  

Corazon of the Outer Banks is an amazingly illustrated and vibrant 30 page picture book. The target audience is of course readers under 12, but like all of Sandra's books and characters Corazon of the Outer Banks has a very real appeal to readers of all ages.  

Corazon of the Outer Banks ~ Corazon De los Outer Banks  is available here:

Sandra donates a percentage of each sale to saving the American Wild Horse.  What you do not know is that it is actually a very large percent.  Keeping this book kid friendly,  no where in this book does it mention anything about the plight of the American Wild Horse nor is the book about the atrocities and horrors that mankind is inflicting on the American Wild Horse.  Ms. Harvey just quietly  donates to the cause , while allowing children to stay children by not exposing them to this information.  Sandra Loves children, she is truly an advocate for all Humanity, but even more for Children.

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